The power of tiny particles.

Summary: Science shows that silver ions have antiseptic potency far beyond that of silver colloids. So, it is the smallest silver particles that should be preferred when you are buying colloidal silver.
To understand this article, you need to know that silver ions are water-soluble and are made up of the smallest possible particles (size: picometre). Colloids are particles of silver dispersed in much larger particles (size: nanometre).
The works of the renowned Doctor Becker, the author of numerous bestsellers
The scientific works of an American Army doctor called R.D. Todd
The Natural Immunogenic Society proves the superiority of ions of silver on aggregated-particles
The researchers of Rice university in the U.S. concluded that the silver ion is the most potent silver particle
List of over 100 studies demonstrating the effectiveness of ionic silver
1.The works of Doctor Becker
Silver ions are the most commonly used form of silver in hundreds of clinical studies carried out since the start of the 1900s. Relatively recently (in the 1980s), Dr Robert O. Becker worked on the effectiveness of electrically generated silver ions at Syracuse Medical University. He attributed silver’s ability to battle pathogens to silver ions *(1).
2. The works of army doctor R.D, Todd
Laboratory trials that were carried out around this time showed that silver ions Are up to 10,000 more effective than silver colloids*(2) Here is an excerpt of the comparative study written by a former U.S. Army doctor R.D. Todd
“The results have been astonishing! With or without the addition of the HCI mix (chloric acid), the Staphylococcus cultures (S-1 and S-2) on the Petri dishes were practically eradicated in just four minutes once they were treated with silver ions. However, the culture plaques treated with particles of silver showed a slight reduction in bacteria.”
3. The Natural Immunogenic Society proves the superiority of ions of silver on
A much more recent study once again confirmed the superiority of silver ions to silver colloids*(3).
The company Mesosilver claimed that silver colloids are more effective at killing pathogens. The Natural Immunogenic Society, manufacturer of Argentyn states the contrary, that silver ions are more effective at killing pathogens.
To resolve this dispute, Natural Immunogenic carried out a bacterial study using a control group with both Mesosilver products and Argentyn 23. Both were diluted to 20 ppm for a valid comparison. They were then combined with what was left of the Mesosilver product and Argentyn 23 with two strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The dilutions were placed in Petri dishes and classed according to their effectiveness at killing pathogens. The Argentyn 23 product showed higher bactericidal activity than the Mesosilver product.
4. The researchers of Rice university in the U.S.
In a press release from the University of Rice, clinical researchers have debated the results of their new study - the title couldn’t be clearer:
“The negligible anti-bacterial activity of silver nanoparticles”
In this study, published recently, in 2012, in the “Nano Letters” journal, researchers conclusively demonstrated that it is the silver ions that have a high level of bactericidal activity, and not the larger silver colloids, which are also called metallic silver and are inert*(4).
5. More than 100 studies demonstrate the effectiveness of ionic silver
In "The ultimate colloidal silver manual" over 180 clinical studies compiled show the surprising effectiveness of silver ions on silver colloids*(5)
Some of them were carried out at the “Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. They proved that it is the silver ions that speed up the healing process. The Army burns centre is at the forefront of research for burn treatments and has been carrying out research on silver in medicines for decades.
Albert T. McManus, head of microbiology at the Army burns centre said,
“...the conversion of silver into silver ions is necessary for it to be effective.”
We have taken the time to share the conclusions of our research as we want to be transparent. Our solution is made up of a vast majority of silver ions (96%), a testament to just how effective it is.
(1) A study by Dr Robert O. Becker published in 2000 in “Electro and Magnetobiology": Effects of electrically generated ions on human cells and the healing of wounds
(2) “The ultimate colloidal silver manual" by Steve Barwick 2009 edition published by "Life and Health Research Group", p.123-124
(3) A study comparing “Mesosilver” silver with a colloidal majority to "Sovereign Silver” with an ionic majority:
(4) A study by researchers at Rice University: "It is the silver ions and not the silver particles that have bactericidal power"
(5) The ultimate colloidal silver manual" by Steve Barwick 2009 edition published by "Life
and Health Research Group", p.126-138